Our people
The AUT Pacific Health Research Centre brings together research that advances understanding of public health issues that can improve access to healthcare and promote positive health and wellbeing among Pacific peoples in New Zealand.

Associate Professor El-Shadan Tautolo is the Director of the Pacific Health Research Centre. As Lead Research Investigator for the PIF Study, he provides Pacific academic oversight, strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement. A senior Pacific academic in the Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, he is involved in collaborative work across AUT.

Leon Iusitini is a Senior Research Fellow at the New Zealand Work Research Institute at AUT. He previously spent 15 years as a researcher on the Pacific Islands Families Study and remains a co-investigator and affiliate researcher on the study. He has wide-ranging research interests spanning Pacific health and well-being, social mobility, political participation.

Loic is a Senior Lecturer at AUT where he leads the Master of Disaster Risk Management and Development. His research interests include Disaster Risk Reduction, resilience and sustainable development. Loic’s interest in the Pacific Islands reflects the fact it is one of the world's most disaster-prone regions.

Dr Radilaite Cammock is a lecturer in the School of Public Health and Interdisciplinary Studies, and programme leader for AUT's Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma and Master of Public Health. Her research interests lie in Pacific health and more specifically, NCDs, sexual and reproductive health, youth empowerment and Pacific research design and methodology.

Dion Enari is a lecturer in the School of Sport and Recreation, Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences at AUT. He also has a PhD from Bond University, Gold Coast, exploring the perceptions of Fa’a Samoa (Samoan way) among Samoan people in Australia. His research interests include sport management, sport leadership, mental health, Pacific languages, Indigenous studies and trans-nationalism.